Mysql exporter for prometheus
Mysql exporter for prometheus

Time="" level=info msg="Listening on :9104" source="mysqld_exporter. Time="" level=error msg="Error pinging mysqld: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused" source="mysqld_exporter.go:268" Building and running Required Grants CREATE USER exporterlocalhost IDENTIFIED BY XXXXXXXX GRANT PROCESS, REPLICATION CLIENT ON. NOTE: Not all collection methods are support on MySQL < 5.6. Ensure the Datasource name Prometheus is using uppercase P. Prometheus exporter for MySQL server metrics. Click the Grafana Menu at the top left corner (looks like a fireball) Click Data Sources. Time="" level=info msg="Starting mysqld_exporter (version=0.10.0, branch=master, revision=80680068f15474f87847c8ee8f18a2939a26196a)" so Now we need to create the Prometheus Datasource in order to connect Grafana to Prometheus. Replacing the IP with localhost or my docker-machine ip default of makes no difference either, as I always get the following output after executing the second command : $ docker run -p 9104:9104 -e prom/mysqld-exporter I run them like so : docker run -p -name mariadbtest -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypass -d mariadbĭocker run -p 9104:9104 -e prom/mysqld-exporter But, its not scrapping the mysql80-exporter:9104 metrics at all.I am running MariaDB and myqld_exporter both from docker. (Keep default on this example) 3, Add settings on Prometheus. In Prometheus web UI, the docker and prometheus metrics are scrapped perfectly. Prometheus : Blackbox exporter1 2, This is the setting file of Blackbox exporter. In a Kubernetes environment, you can use Prometheus to monitor MySQL and MariaDB database using the open-source MySQL exporter. As a branch of MySQL, MariaDB is compatible with MySQL and is becoming increasingly popular. the exporter gets the targets and a query config string as parameters of Prometheus’ GET request. the exporter does not have to run on the machine the metrics are taken from. Published=9090,target=9090,protocol=tcp prom/prometheus MySQL is a common relational database management system. By multi-target exporter pattern we refer to a specific design, in which: the exporter will get the target’s metrics via a network protocol. $docker run -d -name my-prometheus -network db_network -mount This chart bootstraps a Prometheus MySQL Exporter deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager. From there you can use prometheus-sql to query your SQL database and parse these metrics to Prometheus. With sql-agent you can take the queries you want to monitor, formatted as JSON and execute them on database backend.

#Mysql exporter for prometheus install#

Step 2 Download and install Prometheus MySQL Exporter This should be done on MySQL / MariaDB servers, both slaves and master servers. 1 Answer Sorted by: 0 Yes you could use sql-agent, prometheus-sql, prometheus and grafana. Then i created the prometheus.yml like $ vim ~/prometheus.ymlĪnd finally a container was created for prometheus like this. Step 1 Add Prometheus system user and group: sudo groupadd -system prometheus sudo useradd -s /sbin/nologin -system -g prometheus prometheus This user will manage the exporter service. Ive used docker and heres how i connected prometheus and mysql exporter. But I cant find the query to show the data of my database. env I curl it from my server it scrapes metrics perfectly from mysql80 container. Im trying to show data from mysql database on prometheus. Mysql> GRANT PROCESS, REPLICATION CLIENT, SELECT ON *.* TO mysql80 exporter is in a container like this $ docker run -d Mysql> CREATE USER IDENTIFIED BY 'exporterpassword' WITH MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS 3 Then I deployed the mysql exporter like this: $ docker exec -it mysql80 mysql -uroot -p Then I configured the docker daemon like this $ vim /etc/docker/daemon.json

mysql exporter for prometheus

default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password I created a mysql8 docker container like this: $ docker network create db_network

Mysql exporter for prometheus